Our God Will Go Before Us
The Hymns Of Matt Boswell and Matt Papa Vol. 3

In just a few years of collaboration, Matt Boswell and Matt Papa have written and recorded an already-classic catalog of hymns sung in churches around the world. Their songs, including such well-known titles as “His Mercy Is More” and “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”, are listed in CCLI’s top 100 and appear in prominent streaming playlists. The newest collection, Our God Will Go Before Us, is the duo’s eagerly awaited third album of modern hymns, engaging individuals and congregations with songs to teach, learn, and sing the Christian faith.
In addition to the title track, each hymn in the new project is a reflection upon and celebration of the Gospel, from the upbeat rhythms and driving theology of “All My Boast Is in Jesus”, the gentle persuasions of “I Set My Hope (Hymn for a Deconstructing Friend)” and “God of Every Grace” featuring Sandra McCracken, to the anthemic praise of “The Lord Almighty Reigns” and “The Matchless Name of Jesus”. Cochren & Company joins the singing for a soulful reprisal of “His Mercy Is More”, and the stage is filled with Matts (including Matt Redman) for “Not to Us (One Name Forever Shall Be Praised)”!
Listen to Matt Boswell & Matt Papa's new album Our God Will Go Before Us and get song resources in the links below!