Debut Album from Hannah Hobbs

The heartbeat behind this project was to carve out some space to worship and rest in the presence of God. The word Sabbath comes to us from the Hebrew word ‘Shabbat.’ Shabbat literally means “to stop” Or “to rest.” The sabbath is typically observed from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. A day of worship, rest, and an effort to eliminate distractions and draw near to God. So, my hope is that this project will become a ‘sundown’ moment for people. An open door, signifying us stepping into a time of rest and refreshing in God’s presence.
There was nothing perfect about this night. I guess you could describe it as some kind of mismatched choir. People from all walks of life, lending their voices to join in one accord. You can hear the prayers and laughter and murmuring in the room as we journeyed together throughout the night in worship. Some of these songs have resonated in our church over the last year or so. Others were being sung for the first time. More than anything, the room was buzzing with faith filled hearts, hungry to meet with God.
My hope is that this “sundown” project would serve as an open door, assisting people in their worship and time away with God. Whether it’s playing in their car on the way to work, or watching a video of the night online, or kneeling in your bedroom with your airpods blasting, or being sung in a church Sunday, may these songs help people as they pour out their love and affection at the feet of Jesus. - Hannah