And all I want is all You have
Come to me rescue me
Fall on me with Your love
And all You want is all I have
Come to me rescue me
Fall on me with Your love
Verse 1
Here I am in that old place again
Down on my face again
Crying out
I want You to hear my plea
Come down and rescue me
How long will it take
How long will I have to wait
Verse 2
Sanctify I want to be set apart
Right to the very heart
Prophesy to the four winds
And breathe life to this very place
How long will it take
How long will I have to wait
Lifted up
I've climbed with the strength I have
Right to this mountaintop
Looking out
The cloud's getting bigger now
It's time to get ready now
1997 Curious? Music UK (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard
Recommended Key(s):
Scripture Reference:
John 17:17, 1 Thess. 5:23