Sing A Song

Third Day

Verse 1
I want to sing a song for You, Lord.
Lord, for you I want to sing a song.
And I want to lift my voice to Heaven,
and listen to the angels sing along.
A song of Your faithfulness,
a song of Your grace,
and of Your loving kindness,
to the glory of Your name.
With ev’rything that’s in me, Lord,
listen to me say:
I want to sing a song for You,
I want to sing a song.
Verse 2
I want to live my life for You, Lord.
Lord, for You I want to live my life.
I want to praise the name of Jesus,
pray above all things You’re glorified.
And I sing about Your mercy
and I sing about Your love;
Your goodness, Lord, Your righteousness.
I want to sing a song of Your faith.
And we’ll sing, “Holy, holy, holy.”
We’ll sing, “Holy, holy, holy.”
We’ll shout, “Holy, holy are You,
Lord almighty!”
Yes, you are Lord.

Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson



Recommended Key(s):


Scripture Reference:

Isaiah 6:3, Psalms 96:1