Life is full of unexpected challenges, struggles, and hardships that you may not always be ready for. But the fact that you cannot fully handle your life on your own is not news to God. He created you for relationship and has always known you were never meant to walk this life alone. From the very beginning, He knew you’d need to be rescued. Rescued from your choices. Rescued from the sin that holds your heart captive. Rescued from the darkness that separates you from the holiness of God. That’s why Jesus had to come. To be your Savior. To break the chains of sin. To light up the darkness. Until nothing stands between the Creator and His creation.
All throughout the Bible, God shows up when the people of God boldly live out their faith. In Daniel, three ordinary men from the tribe of Judah were sentenced to death by fiery furnace because they refused to bow to a false god. But God stood in the fire with them, protected them, and delivered them. Even when they were faced with seemingly impossible circumstances, they understood that experiencing freedom, gracefully given by God, did not mean being removed from bad situations. Rather, experiencing real freedom comes from belonging to the only Truth that really matters—being loved and accepted by the Sovereign God of the universe.
In Acts, Paul and Silas were chained to the floor of a Roman prison. When they sang out in praise to God, the earth shook, their chains fell to the floor. Their lives, and the lives of those around them were radically changed forever. In this miracle, none of them knew what was going to happen. They needed a reminder of how they had truly been set free. So, God did something miraculous in their desolate situation. He responded to their worship, He showed up, and broke away their chains. There are literally no surprises to God. He knows the battles you face. And because He loves you, He’s prepared to fight for you. So, you can count it all joy, in every battle, because the Bible promises that God will meet you right in there middle of your circumstances, standing next to you, where He’s always promised to be.
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